Why narrative practice?

Narrative practice privileges your own knowledges.
It presupposes that you are the expert in your own life, hopes and desires, your commitments and preferences for living, what makes you really shine through, feel joy, purpose, and so on. Therefore, I am not the source of solutions, rather, solutions reside in you, and also in your social networks and contexts.

Narrative therapeutic conversations:
Please note: although narrative therapeutic dialogues engage your creativity, they are not about 'making up' stories but about putting into words that which is already there, in you, your relationships and contexts, and was not put into words before or, if it was, somehow got lost or other (problem or negative) stories had eclipsed.

More about the Narrative Framework

The Narrative Framework was developed by Michael White (Australia) and David Epston (New Zealand), at the beginning of the 1980's, and it has influences from many sources (including Literary Theory, Anthropology and Sociology and peoples' knowledges). It is best described as a framework because it represents a fundamental change of therapeutic direction led by:

Click on the link to read Michael White's notes on Narrative Therapy.